
You can be who you want to be

You can be scalding like fire or soothing like a summer breeze
You can be solid like a mountain or flowing like a river
You can be blue like the sky or green like forests
You can be unreachable like the stars or omnipresent like the air
You can be calm like the sea or feisty like a hurricane

You are the stuff legends are made of

When you dream, you spin magic
When you speak, you weave emotions

You are your only competition and you are your only critic

You can do anything you believe in
Only your wish is your command

You can be who you want to be
And no one can tell you otherwise

It’s Cold Tonight

The Drabble posts write ups of 100 words or less, and they posted my poem! YAY 😀


By Rewa Pednekar

It’s cold tonight
So give me a blanket and turn up the heat
So that I don’t freeze and fall ill

It’s cold tonight
So hold me against your beating heart
So that these goosebumps across my skin are not because I’m cold

It’s cold tonight
So give me hope that the sun will shine and the night will pass
So that I no longer feel afraid

It’s cold tonight
So tell me that you love me
So that my bones are warmed just by your words

And suddenly
Like magic
It’s not cold anymore

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The Winter Weather

Bombay gets collectively excited about winter. Even though our winter is more like a less intense summer. 😛

Here is my ode to the winter weather:

It’s snuggle in your blanket with a nice novel weather
Go for long walks on Marine Drive weather
Get your cardigans out of the corners of the cupboard weather
Eat hot corn on the cob at Carter road weather
Drive up to the nearest hill station weather
Drink frothy hot coffee or adrak wali chai weather
Ditch your boxer shorts for pyjamas weather
Actually keep your fan speed on ‘low’ weather
Drape fancy scarves around your neck weather

And skin gets dry and starts shedding because I’m actually a snake weather


It’s Cold Tonight

It’s cold tonight
So give me a blanket and turn up the heat
So that I don’t freeze and fall ill

It’s cold tonight
So hold me against your beating heart
So that these goosebumps across my skin are not because I’m cold

It’s cold tonight
So give me hope that the sun will shine and the night will pass
So that I no longer feel afraid

It’s cold tonight
So tell me that you love me
So that my bones are warmed just by your words

And suddenly
Like magic
It’s not cold anymore


Have you thought of absolutely nothing Just sat as the warm breeze nestled you Watched as the sun dipped below the earth Stealing away its light Slow enough For you to enjoy the show And think of absolutely nothing Part of The Coconut Tree series. Change | The Daily Post

Forever Thing

I could sit on the beach forever Watching the sea as it rises and falls in its own rhythmic notion Watching the waves as they break into white foam Watching the sun as it disappears into the water on the horizon I could sit on the beach forever Just watching

What is Love?

Dancing in the rain
Sharing some chocolate cake

Intense discussions at midnight
Holding someone so tight

Forehead kisses, dreamy eyes
Or even teary goodbyes

Reading your favourite book
Dinner that mum cooked

Love’s really all around
Waiting to be found.

I was nominated for the Spread The Love/ Love in Ten Sentences Challenge by An Armchair Perfectionist and 4 Year Old Adult (go check out what they’ve written!).

Here are the rules:-

1. Write about LOVE in ten sentences of four words each.

Done that already!

2. Share your favourite love quote.

This Winnie the Pooh quote on love is definitely my favourite:

Picture from Google

3. Nominate fellow bloggers.

I nominate (apart from anyone reading this that wants to join in):

A Little Bit of Life

The Teen Daydreamer

My Personal Thing

They, You and Me

A Lot From Lydia

Ultimate Solace

I would LOVE to know what you come up with! And, if you’ve already written something, just post the link in the comments section below. 🙂

Go ahead, share the love! ❤