The Wedding Diaries #6: Mehndi and Doodles

My cousin sister got married. To the love of her life. Last December. And it was pretty insane.

Read the rest of the series here: The Wedding Diaries

It’s been some time since the last post in this series went up, and my original plan was to write a series finale post all about the wedding shenanigans. That one, as it turns out, is taking a while to write. Like the actual wedding was, I want that blog post to be perfect!

In the meantime though, here’s something fun I did.

I took this photo of Ektaa’s beautiful mehndi as we sat chit chatting by the pool at the Farmhouse we were staying at during the wedding weekends. I loved how the cool blue of the pool contrasted with the dark red mehndi stains.

Take a look!


I initially didn’t think a filter would be necessary for this photo, but then I had another idea. Doodles on the photo!

Most of you would know that I love to doodle. I usually post my art on my Instagram @rewa2303, but I’ve also made a new page on this site for it – Today I Doodled. I drew this idea from a similar doodle I’d done before.

I printed out the photo on an A4 size sheet and doodled away with a black pen. This is how it turned out:


That’s how you put boredom to good use. 😉

The Wedding Diaries #5: The Bachelorette

My cousin sister is getting married. To the love of her life. This December. And it’s pretty insane.

Read the rest of the series here: The Wedding Diaries

No one becomes a Bride without a bachelorette party. So, obviously we planned one for our Bride-To-Be!

We were eight of us, including the Bride, her cousins and close friends; and we booked a bungalow at Neral to spend the weekend before the wedding ceremonies began. The whole trip was, needless to say, pretty much legendary.

The bungalow (The Destination Homes) was nestled in the Western Ghats and had a beautiful view. The night was cold and the stars were bright. We dolled up as soon as we got there and took and insane number of photos, and we danced almost all night.

But as you all know, what happens at a bachelorette party stays at the bachelorette party!

I’ll still share some photos. 🙂

Next post in the series: Mehndi and Doodles.

Project Paint

I love to art. And I’ve always wanted to paint a wall. So when my sister asked, “Hey Rewa, do you want to come paint the walls in a school?”, I was totally up for it.

Project Paint is a St. Xavier’s College Social Service League (SSL) (Facebook | WordPress) initiative, where they go paint the walls in schools within Mumbai.


Today’s session (Facebook event link here) was at a school at Vile Parle, and was a long 9 am to 6 pm drill. Project Paint had collaborated with Project MAD, which is an initiative outside of St. Xavier’s, that is involved in painting walls in Mumbai. While Project MAD is mainly for beautification of the city, Project Paint is more inclined towards maintenance of schools.

Wall by Project MAD


Wall by Project MAD


The school’s compound wall was being painted by Project MAD volunteers on the outside, and by Project Paint volunteers on the inside. The volunteers did everything, from scrubbing the walls, drawing outlines with chalk, to the actual painting.

I helped out with these two walls:




It was SO much fun! I think painting is therapeutic in any case, but here, you have the entire wall, larger brushes and you’re doing this for a social cause. I can only imagine how excited the kids would be on Monday morning, walking into a much more colourful and creative school than the one they left on Friday evening.


I’m definitely doing more of these, but for now, this is a bucket list item checked off! 😀


Have you thought of absolutely nothing Just sat as the warm breeze nestled you Watched as the sun dipped below the earth Stealing away its light Slow enough For you to enjoy the show And think of absolutely nothing Part of The Coconut Tree series. Change | The Daily Post


“A powerful monochromatic image is composed of a gradient of a single color, and has an emphasis on texture and composition.” Well, I’ve tried my best to live upto that. Click on each picture for a better view! All these photos have been clicked from my Sony Xperia Z. 🙂 This post is in response […]

Sometimes, I Draw

As you probably already know, I spend a lot of time on my terrace, clicking a lot of pictures.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my terrace, listening to The Nile (by Sivu ft. Rae Morris), and watching the sunset. It was a barren, cloudless sky, and the trees and buildings on the horizon were merely an outline against the bright shades of dusk. It was beautiful.

So, naturally, I clicked a photo of it, and posted it on my Instagram.

And then I thought, maybe if I doodled all over the sky, won’t that look great?

So I got a A4 sized print of the photo, and doodled. This is how it turned out:

And I made a time lapse video of it too, because, why not?

Considering I used permanent marker, the paper doodled itself on the back as well. And that looked kind of cool too.

Doodling is fun. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and mostly, it’s just a melange of differently placed lines. Which is why, hand me a pen and a surface I can use the pen on, and I’ll doodle anything!

PS. You can check out more of my doodles and art on my Instagram, @rewa2303 ! 🙂