The Wedding Diaries #6: Mehndi and Doodles

My cousin sister got married. To the love of her life. Last December. And it was pretty insane.

Read the rest of the series here: The Wedding Diaries

It’s been some time since the last post in this series went up, and my original plan was to write a series finale post all about the wedding shenanigans. That one, as it turns out, is taking a while to write. Like the actual wedding was, I want that blog post to be perfect!

In the meantime though, here’s something fun I did.

I took this photo of Ektaa’s beautiful mehndi as we sat chit chatting by the pool at the Farmhouse we were staying at during the wedding weekends. I loved how the cool blue of the pool contrasted with the dark red mehndi stains.

Take a look!


I initially didn’t think a filter would be necessary for this photo, but then I had another idea. Doodles on the photo!

Most of you would know that I love to doodle. I usually post my art on my Instagram @rewa2303, but I’ve also made a new page on this site for it – Today I Doodled. I drew this idea from a similar doodle I’d done before.

I printed out the photo on an A4 size sheet and doodled away with a black pen. This is how it turned out:


That’s how you put boredom to good use. 😉

Inktober Accomplished!

I did it! I successfully completed Inktober 2016!

I love to doodle. Since Navratri and Inktober coincided this year, I’d combined those two, and posted those doodles (Day 1 to Day 11) on my blog earlier. You can see them here.

And here is a round up of the rest of the doodles (Day 12 to Day 31)!


You can check out my Instagram (@rewa2303), where I post all my art.

Sometimes, I Draw

As you probably already know, I spend a lot of time on my terrace, clicking a lot of pictures.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting on my terrace, listening to The Nile (by Sivu ft. Rae Morris), and watching the sunset. It was a barren, cloudless sky, and the trees and buildings on the horizon were merely an outline against the bright shades of dusk. It was beautiful.

So, naturally, I clicked a photo of it, and posted it on my Instagram.

And then I thought, maybe if I doodled all over the sky, won’t that look great?

So I got a A4 sized print of the photo, and doodled. This is how it turned out:

And I made a time lapse video of it too, because, why not?

Considering I used permanent marker, the paper doodled itself on the back as well. And that looked kind of cool too.

Doodling is fun. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and mostly, it’s just a melange of differently placed lines. Which is why, hand me a pen and a surface I can use the pen on, and I’ll doodle anything!

PS. You can check out more of my doodles and art on my Instagram, @rewa2303 ! 🙂

Friday – Not So Dry Day

Rainy day holidays are the best! Only if you haven’t ventured out of your home, obviously. Otherwise, Bombay rains can be quite troublesome.

It started raining yesterday. It went on non stop, for more than 30 hours, and this led to The Great Bombay Deluge, 2015. That’s what I like to call it anyway.

Trains, buses, schools, colleges, shops, life even, came to a complete standstill, with most parts of the city of dreams getting submerged into mucky nightmarish floods.

It did rain all day yesterday too, but the high tide was coming in this morning, and with it, so did the apprehensive messages and calls.

Is school still on today?
Do you think I should get out of the house?
I don’t think trains are functioning.
My entire area is flooded!
Isn’t it unsafe to travel?
I think we should just take the day off.

And that last is what (I’m hoping) most people in Bombay did.

That's what you do when you take the day off!
That’s what you do when you take the day off!

Apart from the usual blaming of the government for not doing anything to reduce the occurrence of such water logging, there were multiple posts on the beauty of rains, or the pleasure of an unexpected holiday all over social media. Most of those were accompanied by photos of garam chai and pakodas, or of flooded roads, or the rough lashing waves at Worli Seaface.

So, stranded at home with a flooded road and compound, I can say I ticked a lot of things off my To-Do List today.

That road isn't usually this under water :P
That road isn’t usually this under water 😛


There was a novel I had begun reading ages ago. I picked that up, and finished it off, getting thoroughly affected by the crazy plot twist that most Agatha Christie novels have. Nothing like a good murder mystery to brighten up a rainy day!

This picture was "taken at the flood" ;)
This picture was “taken at the flood” 😉


Once I had recovered from the aftermath of reading a good book, I had some lunch and proceeded to work on my doodles. Here’s a glimpse of what I did:


This is just WIP
This is just WIP 🙂

Also, I figured it would be nice to add this Bob Marley quote to The Scrap-booking Project, seeing how well it fitted with today’s weather:

~quote~ Bob Marley
~quote~ Bob Marley


Then, as another heavy shower proceeded to flood my lane more than what it already was, I teamed up with my mom to bake. We made six muffin sized chocolate lava cakes! They turned out pretty good for my first attempt at baking lava cakes.

Next up was Hugo, a movie I’ve been dying to watch since forever. And what a movie it was! I loved every bit of it, and all of the 1900’s Paris charm. It won five Oscars for a reason!

Meanwhile, the rain came and went. I don’t think it fully stopped, and even right now, I can hear the patter of the raindrops outside my window.


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Perfect way to spend a rainy day! 🙂

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So, while I didn’t do any of the garam chai and pakodas thing, I did spend my day doing the things that I absolutely love.

And it’s midnight now, and I’m blogging. Pretty good way to end a rather wet Friday, don’t you think? 🙂

Another post about a rainy Friday here!

A Century!

Guess who just hit the 100 followers mark? That’s right, me! *mini dance* This boosts my confidence in blogging so much! I can’t thank you guys enough. ❤ I made a few tweaks around Echoes of Life. Here’s what they are: Deep Thoughts – What started out as a simple doodle, became a (slightly) big […]

Deep Thoughts Series

This started off when I drew the ship on the ocean in the first picture, and my sister suggested I put in the lyrics from the Pink Floyd song, Comfortably Numb. Pretty soon, it became a series. I’d posted it with the caption “Deep Thoughts for the Day” on my Instagram (@rewa2303), so I thought of […]